Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My Silly Stuff

Howdy! Thank you guys for having those nice comments! Please do it again, I've got more pictures.

Silly things Evan my cousin.
There the same thing on the other blog.
I took this picture of the motorcycle (neighbors) incase my dad gets on the computer and accidentally gets on the internet and finds my blog, because he loves motorcycles a lot.
Thats my moms TV that my dad always wants.
This is a picture of me!
I told you it was silly!
Thats my pumpkin I made myself!
Another pumpkin, what do you know?
More flowers, what do you know again?
Thats cool, my shadow in flowers.
Amazing, more flowers! I just love flowers! Ta ta for now. Well goodbye folks.

(Seriously this is all him, all I do is type and laugh)


  1. I love this blog!!

    And the colors that the camera picks up, especially in the pictures of the flowers. It reminds me of old-school polaroid pictures. I really really like the last picture of the flowers - in fact I want to save a copy of it on my computer - can I?
