Friday, October 23, 2009

Snail all down

It's a pumpkin? Looks like a family! Wonder when it will get old?
More pumpkins.
What happens when you say magic ka-poof? Whoa they turn into jack-o-lanterns!
My sissy's so cute! Goodbye folks!
It's me standing in front of a field, now I'm going to take pictures of it.
Whoa one more mom so they know it's me, k?
Dirt? That wasn't supposed to be in a picture.
More fields.
More fields!
Why is there mountains on the fields?
Why is there a blue sky and finally no more fields?
I took a picture of this because I wanted to.
I like this tree cause it was cool.
Out my window.
Oooo a black pumpkin!
Gold pumpkin!
I found this at Madi's house, madi madi madi's house.
Hmmm.... hmmmmm....
Oooo a PUMpkin!
More more pumpkins!
Another pumpkin.
Even more pumpkins!
Another pumpkin!
Another pumpkin!? hee hee

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Roman's House

This is me at Romans house. I'm playing with Roman.
It looks like another claw.
My cousin Roman's dinosaur -roar!!! and let's go to the other picture, so long on this one!
Ohhhh a lightning dinosaur thats killing a another dinosaur. Roman took this picture of me. Little cousins, ahh.
Why is a dinosaur trying to EAT me?! Okay you ate me.
DINO WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO EAT THE CARPET?!! Ya, take a taste of it. Don't it taste great?
I am looking at something that looks like a robot. Of course it's not!
Why is an octopus right on the carpet?! Ah it's sucking my blood!!
Why is it sucking my blood AGAIN?!
The dinosaur is eating a train... Let's sing our ABC's!
I'm holding a shark, or course have sharp teeth and it's a great one thats sucking my blood again! Why is everything sucking my blood?
Roman took this picture of us at the top of the stairs.

Goodbye now.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Lizard Town

I told you it was lizard town.
Oooo another lizard, I just like lizards just like I like flowers.
My mom is holding scissors that looks like an alligator.
Look at my little sister, I know someone of you wanted to see my sister.... So I took a picture! Hi grandpa Marty.
I wanted my mom to take a picture of me and my sister holding a bear! And it's a big one and of course they have BIG LONG teeth! Of course polar bears are white.
I wanted my mom to take a picture of me holding my pumpkin!
I wanted my mom to take a picture of me waiting to get my flu sniff. You guys who are out there being afraid of getting the pig flu spray in your nose, it helps you not get the swine flu and also you out there, it just feels weird. And you guys, it just tickles a little and it bothers you a little. And if you do good you get a sucker, pucker. And all my friends we are gonna get that and be brave like me!
This is me on my way to get that stuff up my nose.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The 50 fince blog

(*Editors note: When asked what 50 fince meant, Jameson replyed, "I don't know but it might get us another comment.")

This is something that came off Dad's car. It's Dad's symbol.
Dad says I can be in this club one day.

My Silly Stuff

Howdy! Thank you guys for having those nice comments! Please do it again, I've got more pictures.

Silly things Evan my cousin.
There the same thing on the other blog.
I took this picture of the motorcycle (neighbors) incase my dad gets on the computer and accidentally gets on the internet and finds my blog, because he loves motorcycles a lot.
Thats my moms TV that my dad always wants.
This is a picture of me!
I told you it was silly!
Thats my pumpkin I made myself!
Another pumpkin, what do you know?
More flowers, what do you know again?
Thats cool, my shadow in flowers.
Amazing, more flowers! I just love flowers! Ta ta for now. Well goodbye folks.

(Seriously this is all him, all I do is type and laugh)